Integrated Pest Management System

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Terms of Use and PII Notification

Terms of Use:

You are about to access a National Institute of Health (NIH) computer system. This NIH computer system and the data therein are property of the U.S. Government and provided for official U.S. Government information and use. Access to this system is restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized access, use, or modification of this computer system or of the data contained herein, or in transit to/from this system, may constitute a violation of section 1030 of title 18 of the U.S. Code and other federal or state criminal laws. Anyone who accesses a Federal computer system without authorization or exceeds his or her access authority, or obtains, alters, damages, destroys, or discloses information, or prevents authorized use of information on the computer system, may be subject to administrative penalties, fines or imprisonment. This NIH computer system and any related equipment is subject to monitoring for administrative oversight, law enforcement, criminal investigative purposes, inquiries into alleged wrongdoing or misuse, and to ensure proper performance of applicable security features and procedures. As part of this monitoring, NIH may acquire, access, retain, intercept, capture, retrieve, record, read, inspect, analyze, audit, copy and disclose any information processed, transmitted, received, communicated, and stored within the computer system. If monitoring reveals possible misuse or criminal activity, notice of such may be provided to appropriate supervisory personnel and law enforcement officials. NIH may conduct these activities in any manner without further notice. Accordingly, there can be no expectation of privacy in the course of your use of this computer system. The use of a password or any other security measure does not establish an expectation of privacy. There is no expectation of privacy in any media, peripherals or other devices placed in or connected to the computer system.

PII Use:

Only typical and non-sensitive PII is collected by this system for the sole purpose of the Integrated Pest Management System record keeping and related functions. Please do not provide any sensitive PII. For further Privacy inquiries, refer to By using this system, you consent to the terms set forth in this notice. You may not process classified national security information on this computer system.